Tuesday, June 02, 2009

The mighty Murtoa stick shed

Many year ago, when I was working for Museums Australia, I wrote about one of the wonders of Victoria, the Murtoa Stick Shed.

I was very pleased to see recently that Leigh Hammerton has hoisted a website in honour of this ‘found cathedral’. Let’s hope it helps gain a new life as a cultural centre of the Wimmera.


David J said...

That's an awesome building!
I had no idea it existed. Too bad about all those trees though.

Thomas Michael Blaser said...

I had the same thought as David J. It is truly amazing and deserves heritage status but it looks like a true and beautiful waste of trees. I guess they were in a hurry to build the shed and nature preservation was not high on the agenda in 1941. A mighty interesting building from different perspectives!

Libby said...

I have been inside both the Murtoa and Parkes sticksheds. They served a purpose at the time. Both amazing buildings.