In the Divehi language spoken by the people of Maldives, the word for white person is 'faranji'. This applies to most imported goods and those of non-Muslim beliefs. Among items forbidden in the Maldives are: alcohol, idols and dogs.
Michael King writes after his stay in Papua New Guinea, that he 'became more conscious of the value of my Maori associations; of what New Zealand would lose by way of its modest sense of antiquity, ritual, poetry, grace and humour if it were left solely with its Anglo Saxon heritage' (Michael King Being Pakeha: An Encounter With New Zealand And The Maori, 1985, p. 159 ). Balanda, like Pakeha, is an indigenous word describing those of non-indigenous identity. Being Balanda explores what it means to be a non-indigenous Australian. For more information, see here.